воскресенье, 18 декабря 2016 г.

Unit 1. Pronunciation of consonant clusters

1. Learn about pronunciation of consonant clusters at the beginning, end , within and across words (pp 20, 22, 24). Listen to the examples and repeat them after the audio.

2. Complete the assignments (pp. 21, 23, 25).

3. Try building words by adding consonant sounds. Start with a vowel sound , and then add one consonant sound at a time before or after the vowel, in any order, to build new words.
Then say aloud the words you have written . For example :
ache 􀀉 lake 􀀉 flake 􀇔 flakes (2 consonants before the vowel and 2 after)
rye 􀀉 rife 􀀉 rifle 􀀉 trifle 􀀉 trifles (2 before and 3 after)
sea 􀀉 seem 􀀉 scheme 􀀉 scream 􀀉 screamed ( 3 before and 2 after)
Now try with other vowels. 
Follow up: Are there any consonant clusters at the beginning of words that you have special problems with?
Collect a list of words that start with these, record yourself saying them, and share the podcast. 


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